My com was just reformatted so all my info in it are gone...
Including all my ebooks plus my games!!!!!!!
Grah...Maplestory takes so freakin long to download...
I know people've been asking me to update,
so I'm trying now, with total rate of success 0%.
I don't think there's anything interesting that's happening...
Except I'm still chionging my sch hols hw?
Imma bad girl.
Wish sch hols will be extended a week...
I gtg, chionging life science project currently. XP
To Richard: Is there viruses in the ps? Cos I didn't go to any websites, nor oppen any applications, except for Maplestory. XP
To Dog: I can see why you are the DOG. Too bad, you are not my kinda doggie that I like. T_T So